New Discord Server

The Repressions are slightly late to the Discord party, but our friends on Twitch are showing us the beauty of this extra spot. This will be another place to get news about all of the music and shows, share your own news, meet fans and friends and lots of other talented musicians. See you there!


Become a Patron!

Let’s pretend this is Renaissance Italy, and you are a much respected supporter of the arts, because now you can become an official patron of The Repressions on Patreon!

Patreon is a website that allows you to become a patron by pledging a monthly gift, as small or large as you choose. The money will be used for producing The Repressions original music, and there is so much of that in the works! Should you choose to become a patron, there will be exclusive benefits for you such as: * Exclusive live performance on a patron-only livestream * Original artwork by Barbara and Nate * Music tutorials * Behind the scenes at Repressions Castle * And more to come as it is created!

The music is staying in for now but The Repressions will still be sharing it!

Dear Friends,

As we all know, the world is in a great state of unease. New York City is just one little part of that, and staying as safe as we can is all we do for today.

Our shows have all been postponed, so we will be playing online, sharing our interview series, making and sharing artwork, comics and memes, live streaming, with other bands and artists and friends, and doing what we can. Please see our youtube channel, instagram and facebook page for daily content (links are above.) We are grateful for that chance, grateful for each other, and grateful for you.

Luna the Mooncat is very happy right now, because The Repressions are staying at their castle and she gets even more attention than usual! Love to all of you and the animals!

-Barbara and Nate


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