Upcoming Shows, Single Release & More

Tiny Desk Contest, West Village Shows, Twitch Shows, Cover Shows, Folk-Punk Shows and a New Single! Medicate Me arrives on February 26, and there will be many live performances before and after that. The schedule will be updated as we go.

Art, Show Photos, Song Release News & More!

Happy New Year!

The next offical single release will be “Medicate Me” on February 25, 2023. There are many live shows coming up, including twice weekly on Twitch. Every Tuesday from 8pm-10pm, and alternating Fridays and Saturdays.

The Twitch community contuinues to grow, and The Repressions are playing a special set on Sunday 1/22 from 7-9pm as part of the Jedi Friends Raid Train, a 4 day Music Festival.

See Nate live at Maggie Halls in Astoria on Thursday February 16th, doing all the covers (with a likely guest appearance from Barbara.)

2022 was such an important year, and there were a few moments, shows and memories that have yet to make it to the site, so here they are together, a jumble of bright lights and the finest friends and a beautiful Followcat.

Let’s Get Depressed~ Live from Washington Square Park ~ New Video

The Repressions were honored to be part of V.O.I.C.E. 4 Change this fall, an Art as Activism group in NYC organized by author and activist Vigilante Vegan. Follow them for more performances from artists of all kinds who defend animals!

@voice4change @vigilantevegan

Special thanks to Craig Seeman for filiming, find videos from V.O.I.C.E. 4 Change and more activism here: @seecraig

Saturday 10/22/22~ The Local with Astoria Music Collective

Think globally and play locally! You are invited to The Local, in Astoria Queens, a relaxing venue that is a constant for lovely live music. On Saturday October 22, The Repressions are playing original songs and more, joined by Sam Rasiotis and The Grey Scales. Admission is free, feelings will be felt and there are so many songs to share! Show starts at 9pm!

Special thanks to Astoria Music Collective!

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